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Winter Activites
The Student Section on Tropical nigh
Chris Simmons on the court
Fans create awesome signs for the game!
Maddie Neckola goes down the court
Fans festively dress tropical
Chris goes for a layup.
Brian Pettiford
Number 23 makes his way down the court.
Ugly Sweater Theme Nights
Amanda Jung, Paige Weiss, and Liza Gober dress in their best ugly sweaters!
Varisty Cheer
These photos capture Indians involved in Winter Sports and the dedicated fans that come out and show thier support! A new feature incorperated into this sports season is the inovation of 'Theme Nights' and Game of the Week where students who dress up in the specific theme and attend the designated game gain free admission!
Featured sports are:
Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball
Boys Bowling
Girls Bowling
Poms/ Dance
If you have any photos of you and your friends please e-mail them to so we can feature them on the website!!
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