"FALL" Into Good Habits By Mackenzie Schuessler
“Fall Into Good Habits”
Whether you’re a freshman or a senior, picking up good habits can put you on the road to success.
The first important habit is time management. There is only so much time in the day to do everything you need to do and sometimes its overwhelming. Homework, sports, clubs, friends, work, and family are just a few of the things that occupy our time and its crucial that we know how to spend it. If you don't already use one, a planner is a necessary purchase. They are easy to use and can help you manage your time and stay organized.
Grades are probably one of the top concerns of high school students. Just make sure you always try. The worst thing you can do is give up without trying. Then if you are still having problems just remember: your teachers are there to help. They want you ask questions and they want to help you. Friends can help you with something you don’t understand too. Also, don’t let one bad grade totally get you down. Just work even harder to make up for it on the next assignment. Along with grades is studying. Studying is vital! Do a quick review of your notes every day instead of cramming the night before a test.
School is important, but so is a social life. The key is balance. It’s important to do extracurricular activities because colleges love seeing that. Join a sport! You can stay active and meet a lot of new friends that way. Make friends with everyone! There’s too much going on to worry about cliques or drama. Make the most out of the four years you have in high school. And by branching out, you can find new interests and experiences. Just remember to be confident and be yourself. You just spent the last five days bored in the classroom, you deserve to take the weekend to hang out, relax, and have fun. Just always remember to be safe and smart. Don’t let one stupid mistake ruin yours or someone else’s life.
DON’T PROCRASTINATE! Procrastination is probably the #1 bad habit of high schoolers. It can be tempting and maybe it can slide every once and a while but when big tests, projects and essays come, don’t make it a habit. You’ll only be sorry in the end. Try to get things done early and out of the way and you might even find yourself with even more free time afterwards.
The average high schooler needs about 7-10 hours of sleep. That may seem impossible with the pile of homework on your desk, but that goes along with being proactive and not procrastinating. Make sure you have time to sleep. Don’t stay up on your phone till three in the morning because the next day you will definitely regret it. Sleep helps your health, your concentration, and your attitude. If you’re up till one doing homework, take time after school to nap. Naps are great and they’ll give you that extra drive to excel.
Those are important, general guidelines but here are some specifically for Mascoutah High School:
Walk on the right hand side of the hallway and don’t stop to chat right in the middle- no one likes a traffic jam.
Always wear your i.d. because $5 for a new one might not seem like a lot at the time, but it definitely adds up if you have to buy one once a week.
Be loud at pep assemblies! There’s no shame in having school spirit or being a little competitive.
Go to games and school events. It’s great to show support and they are a lot of fun. Branch out and go to something you normally wouldn’t.
Let these four years be the best of your life! Good luck!