Teen Idols: Kardashian Frenzy
Kalli Morris
Growing up a lot of young women wanted to be models, actress or even superstars as some would recall. The glamorous life and luxurious commodities seemed like the ideal life to yearn for. As we grow older our career and desires may have changed but the stars we look up to still have a large place in our aspirations and everyday life. When confronted with the question of role models in today’s society students turn to pop culture icons. A role model by definition is a figure who has the ability to make a great impact or influence one to do certain deeds. With this role we hold these figures to a certain level of expectation, for both what they do with this role and how their actions have an effect on us.
When MHS students were surveyed with who they would pick as their role model the Kardashian clan won out over Eleanor Roosevelt, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Malala Yousfiafa, and Beyoncé Knowles. Showing the captivation even reaches the hallways of Mascoutah, with all of this proclaimed admiration though do they stand for what we would deem as a positive role model?
A household name that has both taken the world by storm and has had a prominent influence on our society today is the none other than the Kardashian family. A family who originally was recognized for their fathers work in his high profile case of being OJ Simpson's lawyer, they later blossomed into an unexpected symbol of American fame and success. Kim who was the first member to reach a celebrity status for being a LA socialite, and girlfriend to rapper Ray Jay became known for a scandalous video with her boyfriend. This video incident although it brought uninvited attention did bring the opportunity for the family to have their own reality show. Reality television at this time was in its fledgling stage, and the family was able to find achievements off of this. Since then the family has had nine seasons, and is signed for a minimum of three more. It has been described as a “guilty pleasure” Amanda Jung explains it something she and millions of others find themselves entranced with.
The television broadcast has opened up a plethora of business ventures for the family ranging from clothes to diet pills. They gain profits from their clothing line, endorsements, appearances, books, jewelry cosmetics, modeling, and motivational speaking, making an estimated net profit of $191.75 million dollars a year according to theritchest.com. Not only have they raked in large sum of money but they have a cult like following. Their presence on social media has brought Kim Kardashian to have 27 million followers on Twitter and the youngest of the clan Kylie to have 24 million followers on Instagram. With baffling numbers like that one starts to wonder where is the source of interest with these women.
Having found fame off of a scandal their indecent behavior has continued today. Focusing on the two members of the Kardashian Family that students declared in another survey as their favorites, Kylie and Kim spotlight some unfit reasons that spark question of their prominent presence. Kim is the person where, the majority of fame stemmed from is known for many outrageous acts, from naming her toddler after compass directions, North West, and even publishing a book that only includes her “selfies.” From a seventy-two day marriage to pornographic images made to “beak the internet” Kim has capitalized off of her body, which has been altered by plastic surgery. A trend Kylie has also recently followed, only 17 years old and a would be senior in high school she recently had a breast augmentation, nose job, Botox, and continued lip injections. Kylie has had her own time in the spotlight more since her recent body transformation, dating a rapper that is 25 years old and even trying to gain game off a novel that she or her accomplice sister did not write.
While trends of style and body image are common within the changing of times the one they are publicizing is one that makes one believe that beauty can only be attained with plastic surgery and a need of exposing one’s body.
Blakeley Reiff explains her fascination with the family, “They have such a distinctive style from their clothes to their makeup it is all so unique and stylish. When you see how pretty they look you want to mimic that.” But she does also point out, “The show does show that they the siblings are rude and seem spoiled.” Something even freshmen Amalia Thompson and Kaylie Weber can see both explaining but also empathizing that people still are ‘obsessed’ with the family.
Unable to see where their influence stems from, where does our general infatuation come from? Our teenagers obviously identify them as role models but what valuable quality or act are they giving society? The family has no talent that can be identified and the morals they are insisting is that our goal in life should revolve around social status and money. We should be encouraging women that support valuable lessons like humanitarianism, leadership, and an overall wish to better society. We are so quick to deem this family as a 'good role model' because we see them all over television and social media.
Before we click that follow button on Twitter, find ourselves watching their television show maybe, or buy their latest product we should question the impact it is having on our younger generation and the standards we are setting for ourselves when it comes to role models.
Picured above: All the members of th Kardashian Family
Pictured above: Kylie Jenner's transformation can be seen through the images above
Pictured above: Photos detailing the transformation Kim wen though