FFA Week 2015
Shelby Cusick
Get ready because FFA week is coming up the fourth week in February. Everyone's favorite week including tractor day, the petting zoo, booths in the commons, the teacher luncheon, and Ag Olympics will help showcase what FFA is all about.
FFA Vice President, Ali Amici, is extremely enthusiastic about her last FFA week and is quite involved with all the planning for the events. "I'm excited because we get to share what we do in FFA with the entire school and community so they can get a feel of what we do inside of school and outside of school", said Amici.
We kick the week off with tractor day in which all FFA members have the chance to drive their tractor to school and park them around the grounds.
On Tuesday, the different Ag classes will have a booth in the commons during both lunch hours. Here your FFA members will help explain what each class is all about and how much fun the hands-on activities are.
Animals ranging from horses to pigs will take over the greenhouse on Wednesday as the FFA shows elementary school children different types of animals and what they need to survive as well as their behaviors.
The teacher luncheon will be held on Thursday to help show support and appreciation for all the educators here at Mascoutah High.
FFA week ends in a school assembly with the Ag Olympics. Different clubs and the teachers will compete in diverse ag related games and the two lowest scoring teams will play each other in a round of tug-of-war for the win. Scoring is kept exactly like golf so your team wants to have the lowest score out of all. Sign up for games through your clubs to help show support for your FFA.
In other news, recently the FFA went to the Parliamentary Procedure competition in which the JV team won second and is now moving onto district. Wednesday, February the 4th, FFA member’s sent their SAE projects to proficiency awards. An SAE is an ag related project that each member is required to complete throughout the year.
Andrew Benner, Ali Amici, and Daly Diuguid all won first place in their category and will be moving onto District for their record books.
Benner, FFA President, is excited to be advancing to the next level for his yearly project and believes SAEs are great ideas for anyone looking to advance their work experience. "I think SAEs are important because I can record all my earnings and expenses throughout the year and it keeps me very organized", said Benner.
Junior Lexi Perez and sophomore Kelby Naliborski will be competing at the public speaking contest later on this month as well.
Good luck to all FFA members competing at all the different contests left this year.