Truth About the Wage Gap
The difference in rates of pay between men and women is commonly known as the gender wage gap. Most Americans identify the wage gap as a woman’s 78 cents to a man’s dollar. Although that percentage is accurate for white women, it is not the same for women of other races.
In most cases, the pay gap for women of ethnicities other than white is much worse. The smallest pay gap is experienced by Asian American women at 90 cents to a white man’s dollar, according to the American Association of University Women. The website also states that Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander women make 65 cents, African American women make 64 cents, and American Indian and Alaska Native women make 59 cents. Having the largest wage gap, Hispanic and Latina women make 54 cents to a white man’s dollar, which is almost half as much.
Wage gaps also vary from state to state. The top three areas that women can make the most to a man’s dollar on average are Washington, D.C. at 91%, New York at 86%, and Maryland at 85%, according to the American Association of University Women. The bottom three areas where women can make the least on average include West Virginia and Wyoming at 69%, and Louisiana at 66%.
President Obama has signed three executive orders to help women receive fair pay, according to The Washington Post. Women and their supporters continue to fight the war against unequal pay and unequal treatment.